Safely Hang a Hammock on an Apartment Balcony

Even the smallest apartment balcony can host a relaxing hammock. Who has not dreamed of being able to enjoy one in their own home? Well, let’s stop dreaming because there is a wide range of hammocks designed to be installed on the balcony. Many models and materials on the market allow us to choose the one that best suits our needs and the style of our home. However, it is important to know how to safely hang a hammock on a balcony to enjoy it in complete comfort.

Choose a quality hammock

As we mentioned, in the market there are designs and materials for all tastes. However, it is important to opt for a quality hammock, which guarantees that it will support our weight, as well as inclement weather, for a long time.

Each type of hammock will support a maximum of weight, although this will depend on the quality, how it is supported and where it is placed. However, as a general rule, an individual hammock holds between 250 and 300 pounds, a double one between 300 and 350, and a family one between 400 and 550 pounds.

Regarding the materials, most hammocks are made of 100% cotton, so they can be put in the washing machine. The natural fibers do not need more than a little soap and water, sporadically, since they are very easy to clean, while the handmade ones must be washed by hand carefully since they are much more delicate.

We must take into account if the sun touches a lot on our terrace or balcony since it will make the piece last much less time. Therefore, if we want a hammock that withstands the weather well, it is advisable to choose one made of natural or synthetic fibers. If we opt for a cotton one, we should try to make it decorated with natural dyes, which do not lose color so quickly.

Analyze what type of hammock you want and where to place it

When we think of the typical hammock, the image of it hanging between two trees always comes to mind. However, we only need a specific corner where we can place it safely.

Depending on the available space, we can choose one type of hammock or another. First of all, we must analyze if we want an individual hammock, a double or a family one. As far as possible, we must choose the largest, since, in addition to supporting more weight, it will be much more spacious and comfortable.

In any case, we must bear in mind that, regardless of size, the central part of the hammock, that is, the lowest, must be at least 15 or 20 inches from the ground.

How to hang the hammock?

To install a hammock we will have to look for two high points of a resistant wall. The best thing to do is to place the piece in a corner so that it does not steal too much space from the rest of the balcony or terrace.

It must be taken into account that many walls will not support the weight, so before hanging it we must make sure that they are sufficiently robust. It is recommended that they be at least 6 inches thick and thick; Under no circumstances can we hang a hammock on a partition, as it would not support the load.

We can see it by the sound it makes when it chops with its knuckles; if it is deaf it is most likely a thick wall, while if it is hollow it will be a partition. Use a stud finder to locate the strongest point of the wall.

Once we have verified that the wall on which we want to install the hammock is sufficiently robust, we must proceed to hang it. This will come with its anchoring pieces, which we must place carefully to avoid accidents. They are usually heavy-duty hardware, such as eye bolts, screw rings, or J or S hooks, to which the ropes, chains, or rings that will connect them to the hammock will be attached.

If we are not sure that the walls of your balcony or terrace hold at least 265 pounds, or you do not want to make holes or installations of any kind, you can opt for hammocks that have their standing structure, which is usually made of wood. or iron.

Other options to hang your hammock

Hang your hammock or hanging chair from the ceiling

You can hang hammocks from the ceiling or a hanging chair. For the hanging hammock, you will need enough space so that it is comfortable after installing it. The most common hanging chair attachment is from the ceiling. Put a strong ring and an iron chain with a carabiner and your chair is ready to use.

Hang your hammock with straps

The most traditional way to hang a hanging hammock is between two trees, posters, or columns. With a hammock attachment set, you can easily assemble and disassemble your hammock. An advantage of the strings is the option to adjust the distance from each other.

Use a portable hammock stand

Floor stands for hammocks or hanging chair support. They are perfect if you have a large space and do not want to depend on a single hitch. You can move it wherever you want without holes or ropes.

Tips when hanging a hammock

* Between the lowest part of the fabric and the ground, there should be between 1 and 2 inches. Keep in mind that new hammocks are somewhat stiffer and will stretch a bit as you use them.
* The distance between the two ends of the hammock should be between 120 and 160 inches so that when you lie down, the shape that your body creates is more comfortable. If the distance between your two supports is greater, use a rope between the hitch and the hammock to better adjust the distances.
* Do not tense the hammock too much when hanging it, it has to have a small smooth curve, almost imitating the curve of a banana, except for hammocks with bar fasteners that will have to be tenser.

We hope this article has helped you and that you can enjoy your hammock for a long time. In addition, having a hammock where you can rest reduces stress and muscle problems according to experts, so … what are you waiting to hang your hammock?